2020-2023 Strategic Plan for the 7 Rivers Alliance Inc., 501(c)6

The 7 Rivers Alliance board of directors met in December 2020 to update this plan.

Mission: Foster regional economic growth through collaboration with public and private partners to identify challenges and promote solutions.

Value proposition: Be the leader of support services to businesses and communities.

Strategic Priorities

  1. Regional Economic Development Readiness

A. Key action: Establish and align regional incentives

Measurable outcome: Maintain a network of state and local contacts in each county and state

Timeline: Annually

B. Key action: Strengthen communication with regional partners

Measurable outcome: Continue monthly newsletters and hold quarterly meetings with regional partners. Also attend regional economic development meetings.

Timeline: Annually

C. Key action: Offer summit or community feedback sessions with regional partners

Measurable outcome: Lead and host sessions with partners and set strategic advocacy goals for the region.

Timeline: Annually

D. Key action: Coordinate annual outreach with local economic development entities to ask at least four standard questions of the 50 companies in the region and hold annual regional executive business survey.

Measurable outcome: Top 50 companies visited and C-suite interviewed to determine needs.

Timeline: Annually

E. Key action: Update and maintain site and facility readiness and pass along requests for proposals.

Measurable outcome: Document regional industrial park sites through Locate in Wisconsin, Location One Information System and market 7 Rivers Golden Shovel Program.

Timeline: Annually

2. Aggressively market the region

A. Key action: Update regional marketing brand

Measurable outcome: Improve our7rivers.com website and magazine. Encourage partners to incorporate Our 7 Rivers as part of localized branding.

Timeline: Annually

B. Key action: Share economic data

Measurable outcome: Help identify resources such as MRRPC and WEDC that can provide economic data to our partners.    Timeline: Annually

C. Key action: Familiarization tours          

Measurable outcome: Work with partners to host tours of the region for site selectors or implement a talent upload program.

Timeline: 2021 and every two years

3. Continue implementation of the 7 Rivers Alliance Workforce Development (formerly WISE) Plan

A. Key action: Continue focus on the challenges of childcare, housing and transportation.

Measurable outcome: Convene summits on the challenges of affordable housing and transportation (following 2019 childcare summit) and continue follow-up conversations and possible actions.

Timeline: End of 2021

B. Key action: Convene regular meetings of 7RA Workforce Development Plan task force.

Measurable outcome: Reconvene steering committee, readjust plan and hold meetings to revisit and reinforce plan.

Timeline: Annually

C. Key action: Oversee and assist with 7RA Workforce Development Plan implementation teams and possible strategies.

Measurable outcome: Help implementation of strategies.

Timeline: Annually

D. Key action: Oversee and implement Inspire

Measurable outcome: Continue signing up businesses and job coaches and create work-based learning opportunities for regional high school students.

Timeline: Annually

4. Improve the Alliance’s financial sustainability

A. Key action: Analyze and make possible changes to investor dues structure to add new investors.

Measurable outcome: Increase membership and membership revenues by 10% a year.

 B. Key action: Implement the cash reserve policy

Measurable outcome: Set aside $50,000 in cash reserve.

Timeline: End of 2021

C. Key action: Increase staffing to align with strategic planning preference and build capacity to serve the region.

Measurable outcome: Secure financial support to increase staffing.

Timeline: Annually 

5. Improve the region’s diversity and promote inclusive growth

A. Key action:  Facilitate and encourage dialogue on diversity and inclusion with employers and economic development professionals.

Measurable outcome: Provide best practices on diversity and inclusion.

Timeline: Annually