
The Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) is the state’s principal economic development agency. DEED programs promote business recruitment, expansion, and retention; international trade; workforce development; and community development. DEED facilitates an economic environment to produce jobs and improve the quality of the state’s workforce. DEED provides direct service to its customers via staff located throughout the state. It also leverages its resources by contracting with vendors or partners to deliver services that help DEED achieve its mandate. And, to incent innovation, DEED awards grants to qualified entities to deliver service in a new way or resolve unmet needs. It also manages over 50 programs throughout the state. Specialists market Minnesota to attract new business and help develop existing or start-up businesses. Community development staff address revitalization issues and prepare for economic development opportunities.

Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development
1st National Bank Building
332 Minnesota Street, Suite E-200
Saint Paul, MN, 55101-1351

Twin Cities – (651) 259-7114
Greater Minnesota – (800) 657-3858
TTY – (651) 296-3900

WorkForce Centers help job seekers find employment, help businesses find workers, and help anyone at any stage explore and plan careers. There are nearly 50 WorkForce Centers statewide. Each offers a knowledgeable staff to guide you. Each provides essential tools to make your job search a success. Best of all, most services are free of charge.

Michael Haney
Job Service Regional Manager – Southeast MN

Rochester & Winona Workforce Centers
1250 Homer Road
Winona, MN 55987

Phone: (507) 453-2929
Fax: (507) 453-2960


Southeast Technical excels at delivering high-quality technical and professional education in career-oriented programs that benefit today’s workforce and the industries they serve. Southeast Technical’s Business Relations Directors attend numerous meetings across Southeastern Minnesota focused on addressing the growing skill gaps for Minnesota workers. Employers from various industries often speak on the projected need for workers and professionals and what skills they should possess. The need for essential (soft) skills is consistent across all industries, some believe even more important than the technical skills. “Employers are looking for people with good leadership and communication skills,” said Jen Olson, Director of Business Relations. “They are willing to provide resources to develop customer service and a true team mentality within their companies.”

Jennifer Olson
Director of Business Relations

1250 Homer Road
Winona, MN 55987

Phone: (507) 454-2724

Minnesota State College – Southeast Technical operates the SBA Small Business Development Center (SBDC) for the City of Winona and Goodhue County. The SBDC (SBDC Resource Page) services are provided through a partnership with Rochester Community and Technical College, the State of Minnesota and the U.S. Small Business Administration.

Jennifer Olson
Director of Business Relations

1250 Homer Road
Winona, MN 55987

Phone: (507) 454-2724

Your employees are your greatest asset. Their skills and motivation have a profound impact on your bottom line. Whether you are seeking ways to develop your key leaders, grow revenues, improve your processes or increase your customer satisfaction and retention, you’ve come to the right place. Winona State has a wide variety of professional development courses available, both online and in-classroom. They can also design custom training to meet the specific needs of your organization and deliver this training at your location, on-campus, or online. The Outreach and Continuing Education Department (OCED) is responsible for extending the reach of Winona State University by offering programs, courses and learning activities designed to meet your continuing education needs.

Dr. Diane Dingfelder
Executive Director of Outreach & Continuing Education

175 W Mark St
Winona, MN 55987

Phone: (507) 457-5138


Want to post a job, set up a campus visit or attend other career events? Employers can post jobs, internships and provide detailed company information on Career Services Job Postings, the Minnesota State College – Southeast Technical job posting portal. Students and alumni can apply directly for positions within Career Service Job Postings. Employers who are interested in posting open positions, use person of contact below.

Jennifer Olson
Director of Business Relations

1250 Homer Road
Winona, MN 55987

Phone: (507) 454-2724

Winona State – Warrior Jobs offers you access to this FREE online system so that you can reach WSU students with jobs and internships. If you are a new recruiter taking over for a previous employee, please update your profile information. They would appreciate it if you would provide them current information about your company, including your website address. They look forward to working with you! Employers will find their fairs to be a great way to create awareness of their organization’s profile. These events will provide a one stop place to collect resumes, interview and recruit highly qualified candidates. Employers seeking full-time entry-level candidates and/or interns may wish to set-up an on-campus visit using this online form.

Lindsey Miller
Events Coordinator / Employer Relations

Warrior Success Center
314 Maxwell Hall
Winona, MN 55987

Phone: (507) 457-5878