Are you interested in expanding your business? The U.S. Commercial Service helps U.S. companies find new international business partners in worldwide markets. The U.S. Commercial Service is the trade promotion arm of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration. Every year, they help thousands of companies export goods and services worth billions of dollars. U.S. Commercial Service trade professionals in over 100 U.S. cities and in more than 75 countries help U.S. companies get started in exporting or increase sales to new global markets. The nearest Export Assistance Center in Wisconsin is located in Milwaukee, WI.

For export assistance in this region, please contact:

Elizabeth Laxague
International Trade Specialists

Phone: (414) 297-3458

U.S. Commercial Office in Wisconsin

Rosenberg Hall
1235 North Milwaukee Street, R01
Milwaukee, WI 53202

Phone: (414) 297-3473
Fax: (414) 297-3470


This program provides assistance to access and/or develop new international markets. Wisconsin companies that have made some successful export sales can be reimbursed for specific expenses associated with executing their new and/or expanded international market access strategy. Under this component, a Wisconsin company can receive up to $25,000 per fiscal year (July 1-June 30).

This program is designed to help industry associations, alliances, agencies, non-profits, regional economic development organizations or other state/local departments located in Wisconsin to work with Wisconsin companies to increase exports. This grant provides passthrough reimbursed funds. Organizations may apply for up to $150,000 to provide assistance of no more than $15,000 per Wisconsin company per fiscal year (July 1-June 30).

Export Counseling & Training

Wisconsin’s financial support and training programs help accelerate the international growth plans of Wisconsin companies. The obstacle most cited by companies as an impediment to exporting is a lack of information. It’s not that information on exporting regulations doesn’t exist; rather, busy executives lack the time and personnel to find, interpret and apply it to their operations. Enter Exporting 101. This series of well-organized, easy-to-understand documents will help answer basic questions you have about exporting terminology, documentation, regulations and more.

ExporTech™, an export acceleration program delivered in partnership by the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation (WEDC), the Wisconsin Manufacturing Extension Partnership (WMEP) and the UW-Stout Manufacturing Outreach Center (MOC), helps Wisconsin companies expand their global market reach through targeted export strategy development and execution. Participating companies receive access to experts, individualized coaching and consulting, customized support, and guided development of an international growth plan. Wisconsin ExporTech graduates have achieved international sales increases averaging $600,000–$900,000 within 12 months of completing the ExporTech program.